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First Name
Last Name
Student Number
What do you most like about this course?
Is there anything that you disliked about the course?
How do you feel this course has most benefited you?
Did you feel there were benefits in taking this course via distance learning, if so, what were they?
Were your course notes clear and self-explanatory?
- If no, where do you feel they could be improved?
What, if anything, do you have to say about the assistance offered by your tutor?
In what area of freelance writing do you intend to work?
Do you intend to work full or part time?
Have you submitted any articles to newspapers or magazines?
Have you been published yet?
If so, where?
What was your article about?
Have you, as yet, earned income from any form of writing? If so, please provide details.
What are your plans now the course has finished?
Would you recommend this course to others?
Do you have any further general comments?
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